Write this Second Collage
The Upward Spiral

At my alma mater, John F Kennedy University, studying Transformative Arts rests upon the belief the art can be used as a tool to transform communities, which is a concept as ancient as the most indigenous populations to inhabit the earth. How that art is expressed manifests differently in each situation depending on the mediums involved and the interests/needs of the communities. At WRITE THIS SECOND the poetry we write and the art we make together is about transforming our consciousness. As you read descriptions of each workshop offering in the pull down menu remember our goal is to facilitate time for self-reflection in order to inspire participants to bear with-ness to their lives through creative self-expression. To shape WRITE THIS SECOND we created a visionboard titled, “The Upward Spiral” because the trajectory is up lifting. The images of self-acceptance/affirmation, call into the void & help us to discover the sacred journey.

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